The Old Bear Company |
Two-Tone Cinnamon
This beautiful Steiff bear is exceptionally rare. When he arrived with us we were delighted to find that he still retained his FF button hidden in his ear! The mohair is partly orange cinnamon and partly darker cinnamon. One ear is orange cinnamon and the other darker. Half of his torso on the front is orange and the other half dark. His arms are dark cinnamon and the legs orange. He was likely made as a display piece and a one-off. We have never had another like him. He does have some wear to his underside and back of his legs. He retains a very good coverage of mohair and is in totally original condition with felt pads, boot button eyes and black stitched nose, mouth and claws. He measures just over 17" tall. Sometimes his squeaker will squeak quietly if you press in the right place and he dates c1907
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Note: US Dollar prices are approximate. The purchase price will depend on the exchange rate at the time of the transaction. |
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